As mentioned in the previous evaluation, (Who would be the audience for your media product?), the target audience for our media production is a mixed-gender teenage audience due to the genre and style of the film. We decided on a number of ways to attract an audience through the style of the film, including the editing and story.
The casting reflects the audience of the film - the actors playing Scott and Scherbius are both 17, as opposed to casting adults in each of the roles. As the actors in the film both fit into the target audience for the production, this makes the characters easier to relate to, therefore helping attract a teen audience to the film.
The film also attracts the audience through the use of its soundtrack. While films aimed at families or children may have a more upbeat, happier soundtrack or may make use of licensed songs, we have used songs with darker, more intense tones (see video). This not only reflects the thriller genre of the film, but also makes the film seem more mature, therefore appealing to the teen audience.
The plot and setting of the film also fits more with an audience of teenagers and young adults. The main theme of the film is hackers, and a lot of the ideas in the film are based on technological themes. Because of this, it may not make sense to a younger audience, while a teen/adult audience would understand it well.
The casting reflects the audience of the film - the actors playing Scott and Scherbius are both 17, as opposed to casting adults in each of the roles. As the actors in the film both fit into the target audience for the production, this makes the characters easier to relate to, therefore helping attract a teen audience to the film.
The Dark Knight Rises' viral advertising campaign made use of different social networks. |
The audience could also be attracted through the use of marketing and advertisement by creating online adverts to be distributed through Facebook and YouTube as part of a viral advertising campaign, similar to advertising campaigns by Warner Bros for The Dark Knight Rises. Social networks are popular with teenagers and young adults, and a viral advertising campaign would therefore be perfect for attracting the target audience.
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