Tuesday 19 March 2013


After doing the research for our logo in the previous lesson, we decided to start designing our logo. We used the research we gathered last lesson as a reference for designing our logo, and started sketching out some ideas on paper, as well as writing down some ideas for company names.
After doing this, we agreed on the name "Best Served Cold Films", with the stylised cup with straw/camera logo (bottom right). I started working on the logo, creating it in Adobe Flash CS5.5. This allowed me to create the logo using vector graphic tools, giving it a more professional look than our hand-drawn design seen above. Using this, we created our finished logo.

Using this newly created logo with some of the tools available in Flash, I was then able to create an animated version of the logo. This animated logo can then be used at the beginning of our film opening, as our company's opening logo.

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