Monday 5 November 2012

[PRELIM] Preliminary Task

This Preliminary Task was created in a group, with each of us taking a role in the creation process of the video. In this video, I can be seen in the background of a number of  scenes, as well as taking a large roll in the overall editing of the video. The end result was, in my opinion, good - however, I feel there are a few things that could be improved, such as the audio editing and making sure all of the dialogue is audible. Overall, I think the video turned out quite well, and I have learnt a number of techniques that I will carry over to my creative task later in the year.

  • How to storyboard for videos effectively.
  • Cutting and editing videos in Adobe Premiere Pro CS4.
  • Editing audio over a video in Adobe Premiere Pro CS4.
  • The importance of communicating with others in a team.

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